A while back I picked up an old Emperor's Champion at our local
Gamer's Garage Sale. He came in a grab bag of bits for $2 and I knew almost immediately that I wanted to use him as a statue. I thought the statue would be best highlighted if it adorned a fountain. Furthermore I decided that the fountain ought to serve as a defendable piece of terrain for my gaming table.
The fountain is constructed from sheet styrene, pvc, and a 12 gauge shotgun shell.
PVC foam board lends itself well to scribing. I used it around the edges to make bricks. I did this by scribing horizontal and vertical grooves into the PVC foam board. I followed that up with some scratches and pitting for texture. I finished it by spreading joint compound into the grooves for mortar.
The floor of the fountain is wide enough to allow a 25-30mm base fit comfortably. The detail is a tile texture sheet styrene. I added a drain using some textured styrene.
I have already painted the Emperor's Champion in bronze and aged it using various patina washes. I also added some bird droppings using dabs of off white and yellow paints.
After it was built I placed it on a piece of chipboard, cut out a blast hole in one side and littered the edges with sand, gravel, and bricks.
A coat of grey primer starts to bring it all together.
It's all about the details. The nest is made of static grass and the egg is apoxie sculpt.
The height of the walls lends to some great cover.