Thursday, July 25, 2024

Scatter Terrain with White Tanks Hobbies

White Tanks Hobbies offers a variety of 3D printed details in 28mm and similar scales. Using various bits from the WTH range I created a few pieces of scatter terrain for use in modern tabletop games such as Infinity, The Walking Dead: All Out War, and others.

When making terrain I use 1/8th inch chipboard for a base. I cut out pieces and shape the edges with a utility knife. Next I pick and place my pieces and, once I'm satisfied with the positioning, using super glue, I fix them in place. 

Next comes the "dirt". I brush diluted PVA glue onto the board and drop sifted fine sand over the glue. After everything is dried I prime everything in black with a zenithal highlight in white. Everything gets a base coat in acrylics followed by several layers of weathering in acrylic washes.

Another round of diluted PVA glue (this time thinned further with IPA to reduce surface tension) is brushed into all the areas where I want foliage. Flocking is dropped in place and excess is shaken off. Leaves are placed paying particular attention to corners where leaves would accumulate. Finally a wash is applied to the leaves. Multiple coats of matt varnish help to hold everything in place and protect the paint from wear during tabletop games.

Now for the glamor shots! 28mm miniatures from Anvil Industries used for scale.

Column 1 Column 2

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Großer Hund Upgrade

I recently finished a project I had started some time ago, the Machinen Krieger Großer Hund in 1/20th scale. This bench queen started as a submission for the Plastic Posse Podcast group build for the 2023 IPMS National Convention. Although I had completed the majority of the assembly process it never did get finished. 

Several other projects took priority, including 4 sets of Mandalorian armor for my 2023 family Halloween costume, but that's for another post. With other projects finished I mustered a bit of mojo and sat down to finish the Großer Hund.

I replaced most of the tubing which came with the kit with a variety of handmade and aftermarket alternatives. Anticipating it's inevitable demise I also replaced the plastic "chin" bar with steel wire and brass tube and  I added a thin high strength wire for an antenna.

Various surfaces were stippled with Mr. Surfacer for a cast texture. Where I felt it appropriate I added weld seams using green stuff two part epoxy putty.

With all of the added details I didn't feel like I could stop there. So next I hopped into Fusion360 and designed a new weapon for him. I wanted to stick with the retro-future aesthetic so I felt that a rocket pod was in keeping with the spirit of the genre. 

The rocket pods are available as a two pack at

With that designed and printed it was time to paint. The model was painted by airbrush with Vallejo acrylics. It was then weathered using multiple techniques including oil, acrylic, and enamel washes. Chipping was completed using sponges and a brush where needed.

I used a variety of decals both from those included in the kit and from my stash, all were applied using Micro Sol / Set. 

The base was a wall hanging I found at a second hand store. I removed the hardware and added a couple of layers of cork to the top. The surface of the "asphalt" section remained relatively unchanged and I covered the "concrete" sidewalk in plaster of Paris. 

The chain link fence is window screen mesh and styrene tubing. The vines are braided wires and birch seeds. I made the "Warning Dog" sign in Adobe Illustrator, printed it, and glued it to thin styrene sheet.

The storm drain was also modeled and printed. Is this something you would be interested in? Either as a 3D file or as a printed product? If so let me know in the comments.

Overall I had a real fun time working on this project. Once I got the ball rolling again I couldn't stop until I was finished. I hope you enjoy! If you would like to replace one or more of the Panzerschreck on your Großer Hund with a rocket pod stop on, and/or you would like to see additional custom parts for use with this kit let me know in the comments!

Friday, November 3, 2023

Large Wheel 3D Printed Resin Kit

 White Tanks Hobbies YouTube channel is now live with our first video. A build video of the 1/20th scale Large Wheel kit.

The kit is available for sale in 1/20th and 1/35th scales at

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Store Open!


is open for business! There are only a few products available at this time but more items will be added all the time. Check back her for regular updates!

Right now I have two offerings available in 28mm scale with many more to come.

The following two barriers are available for use in modern and futuristic 28mm wargames. Use them as them independently as scatter terrain or combine them with other models in larger terrain pieces or dioramas.

Monday, June 5, 2023

White Tanks Hobbies, formerly known as...


While I've been away from the bloggerverse for a while I've been working on a rebranding of "The Artist of War". While the name served me well over the years I have started to head in a new direction. While I still enjoy modeling, and do so when time permits, I am pivoting toward actually producing models and accessories for the hobby.

To this end I've been working on several accessories in various scales for scale modelers, specifically those building dioramas or display bases for their models.

I've also been designing some original kits and models for the wargaming community. The first such product is my Gun Emplacement (below). Its is comprised of several parts and the turret is fully compatible with the Games Workshop Leman Russ battle tank. The turret will be available to purchase separately from the base and multiple weapon options will be available to adjust to the needs of your army.

This isn't the final version. I do plan on adding some additional details and will likely add a pintle mounted weapon as well.

In addition to the wargaming models I have a variety of bits and pieces in the works such as road cones, jersey barriers, bottles, and appliances for all your diorama and basing needs.

I'll be providing all of my non-wargaming related bits and kits in various scales including 1:20 for all the Maschinen Krieger fans out there.

I hope you'll join me on this adventure.

Online store coming soon!

Friday, December 25, 2020

2020 Year in Review

In 2020 I started off productive on the modeling front and pretty well kept that pace going forward. Until the pandemic interrupted us all I was regularly attending model club meetings and, fortunately, after they went virtual I was able to attend a few more.

I completed far more than I had expected this year, although not all of the projects I intended to complete were finished. I did pick up two 1st place finishes at monthly model meetings for my Grot Egg Plane and my Star Wars AT-M6. I was also honored to be receive Modeler of the Year for 2020 (a designation determined by points accumulated for various hobby related achievements throughout the year.

I worked on several projects which I have yet to finish. Most notably I've started working on a collection of Hollywood cars. So far in the works are Ghostbusters, Ready Player One, Aliens, and Wayne's World. I also have a Deadpool Bust, the other halves of both my Dark Imperium and Blitz Bowl sets, and countless other Warhammer 40k kits to complete.

That pile of plastic shame aside, here are the models/figures I managed to finish this year:

Grot Egg Plane - January 7th

Colonial Viper - February 4th

AT-M6 - February 4th

Death Guard - April 13th

Stuffed Fables - June 21st




To Boldly Go - November 27th

The Thing - December 10th

H.A.B. Suit - December 15th

I hope that this year was productive for each of you and that you and yours have remained healthy and well during this trying time. I'm optimistic for what 2021 has in store and hope to continue to grow as a modeler and to share that progress with you. What was your hobby progress for 2021, did you check any of the preverbal boxes you set for yourself back in January? I'd love to hear about it. Feel free to drop me a line by e-mail, FB, or in the comments below. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

PJ Mask Needed a Rescue


One morning we woke up to find that the family dog had made short work of Owlette. She didn't stand a chance. Her right hand was severed just above the wrist and her helmet was mangled. 

I used my hobby skills to carefully reattach her hand and set the mend in place against her torso. A lighter helped me to heat the arm until it was soft enough to bend into position.

Next I went about sculpting a sling out of Apoxie Sculpt, and repairing the damage to the helmet using green stuff (not pictured).

Then she was masked off with Silly Putty (this stuff really can't be beat for masking organic shapes), and sprayed down with Vallejo Steel acrylic paint.

Lastly the sling was painted in a tan color to match a traditional triangular sling and she was good to go. PJ Masks to save the day!