Back in February of this year I set about making a one of a kind Inquisitorial Chimera using the Chapter House Studios six wheel kit with iconography and a rear door from Forge World. At that time I completed a review of the Chapter House Studios kit so I won't go into great detail about it in this post but you can check that out by clicking
The Chapter House kit required some modifications to fit. I was very happy with the Forge World kit. It was very detailed and I knew it would add a load of detail to my Chimera.
I was disappointed however (this was my first Chimera) that there were no interior details in the crew compartment. So I made some.
I created a rear entrance and command module for the interior using styrene, sprue, guitar wire and green stuff. I also created some details for the side walls but I didn't get any pictures of them before they were painted.
The hull of the Chimera had to be modified itself. I filled in the driver's hatch and gun ports with apoxie sculpt and sanded them all smooth. I think the gun ports on the sides of the Chimera look stupid with the lasgun array sticking out so I wanted to cover the ports.
Using hatch pieces from multiple kits as well as some styrene rod I created the above gun port covers. I think they look a lot better than the standard lasgun array.
Adding the Chapter House Kit to the Chimera hull was a giant pain in the ass and required a lot of apoxie sculpt, putty, and a razor saw. I also had to replace all the rivets on the front and sides of the hull using a small diameter styrene rod, but in the end it was worth it.
I wanted the Chimera to appear to have been requisitioned from an existing Imperial Army so I searched for some obscure Imperial regiments and settled on using the Jouran 29th and an urban camo scheme. You can also see below the magnet in the turret. All turret mounted weapons are magnetized.
Initial weathering was completed by sponging to create a chipping effect.
Decals were added using Microset & Microsol to get a nice painted on look.
After setting, the decals were worn down using a tooth pick.
Additional weathering was created using an oil paint wash.
I also used Secret Weapon Miniatures weathering powders.
Purity seals were added on various parts of the Chimera to give it an added Inquisitor feel.
Some bed rolls and other packs were added to give a lived in feel.
The name Jouran and number 29 were added using rub on transfers. I like these because they can be worn down easily with a toothpick.
And the finished product...