Monday, May 15, 2017

WIP - Ordos Xenos Valkyrie

My Ordos Xenos army was in need of a bit of transportation. Among other things, I chose a Valkyrie. Before I could get too far into the assembly or painting I had to complete the cockpit and crew bay first.

I began by priming the interior in black and followed that up with a heavy dry brushing of Army Painter gun metal. After that all had tried I applied a couple of coats of AK Interactive's Heavy Chipping fluid with my airbrush.

A coat of Tamiya Deck Tan was applied over that.

Using a damp stiff bristle brush I wore away the deck tan in areas of high wear.

After the details were painted I flowed it all up with an oil wash.

The cockpit was painted prior to being assembled.

More to come soon!

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