Continuing in my recent terrain building effort I made a couple of supply catches turned strong points. Materials used were:
- My home made cargo containers shown in my previous post
- Apoxie Sculpt - Used to make sandbags
- Scrap sprue
- Window screen
- Cast wheels/tires
- Clay
- Sand
- 1/8" particle board
I started by cutting out the particle board into shape. ***Be careful** I sliced the ever living crap out of my fingers doing this, not on my blade but on the chamfered edge of the particle board. Just shy of stitches but I was covered in bandages afterward. I would recommend using a jig saw and then sanding the sides to a desired bevel/chamfer.
After the boards were cut to shape/size I coated the board in clay and shaped it to create 3 berms and one point of entry.
After the clay had dried I placed my larger objects in place and then cut out the clay to stick them them in. I suppose I could have placed these objects when the clay was wet, but I didn't want to get clay all over them and have to clean it up later.
After the large objects were in place I coated the ground in a PVA glue/water mix and dusted it all in a fine sand.
I made the fence posts out of spare sprue which I carved a wood grain into and used some nylon window screen to make the chain link fence.
Apoxie sculpt was used to make the sandbags and both the tire/wheels and containers were castings I had made. The container is an original creation and the tire/wheels are casts of Forge World Tauros wheels.
I based it all in black and followed that up with a series of dry brushes, washes, and weathering pigments.
The second one was created in the same manner.
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