In 2017, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of White Dwarf magazine, Games Workshop released a model of the magazine's mascot Grombrindal. He stands adorned in a suit of power armor, surrounded by presents, a cake, various booze, with a cask on his back and a stein in his hand. As soon as I saw this model I knew I had to have it in my collection.
I painted the model exclusively with Vallejo acrylics. By far the most detailed part of this kit is the base. The colorful presents and cake were a joy to paint and allowed me a great deal of practice in blending colors. I used Vallejo washes and made glazes by thinning down paints with Vallejo airbrush thinner and glaze mediums.
I'm not the greatest at color theory so I used the box art as a guide to paint the model.
Overall I'm pretty ecstatic about how the base turned out. I'm fairly happy with how Grombrindal turned out. His armor came out well, I love the jewels, but I'm less satisfied with his face. The eyes are a little off and that's after four or five attempts. Eventually you just have to stop messing with it.
Overall I'm happy to place Grombrindal in my cabinet. On to the next project!
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